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What inspires us…

"Be the change you wish to see"

STAND is a student-led movement which unites compassionate, like-minded individuals who work together to develop a global perspective, spread awareness, and promote empathy. As our ranks grow in number, we continue to draw inspiration from the ideas, feelings, and events abundant in the world around us.

What Inspires Us?: About


If you’ve ever been able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and understand their hardships, then you have already met our biggest inspiration. We regularly educate ourselves and each other on the struggles faced around the world, and when we do so, we feel empathetic for their needs, and we want to help.

What Inspires Us?: About Us
Lending a Helping Hand


Watching students, sponsors, families, and community members come together to help others is inspiration to continue our mission. It’s truly amazing to watch people unite through empathy and a common goal. For example, when you see people who may not typically interact come together to help a community, you realize just how important that issue is to them, and you can help because you are not alone in wanting to make a difference. Our unity empowers one another to be the change he or she wants to see happen.

What Inspires Us?: About Us


STAND thrives because of those members who exhibit extreme tenacity -- dedication to helping as much as possible to make the biggest difference possible. When another person sees this, it has an important effect on them. The thought that “Hey, this group really wants to make a difference, and they are really going to do it!” inspires so many to join the mission.

What Inspires Us?: About Us

Kayla Mueller

Kayla Mueller was a young woman from Prescott, Arizona who was killed while being held captive by ISIL. She was taken by the militant group while leaving a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Aleppo, Syria in 2013. Her memory and the risks she took to be a humanitarian aid worker are immensely inspirational to many to help communities as Kayla did.

What Inspires Us?: About Us
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